- Ice cream! Mom and Dad share theirs with me and I love it: especially cookies and cream!
- Hitting toys together to make noise! Mom and Dad clap their hands and say "Yay Anthony!" and it makes me smile!
- Headbutting the cats when they come close to me! It's my way of saying I love them!
- Sitting in high chairs whenever Mom and Dad go out to eat! I get to play with my toys at the table!
- Snow! I love looking at it now that we have some, but it's been too cold to play in it.
- Getting taken out of the bathtub and being cold while Mom gets me ready for bed.
- Being put into my car seat, although I'm fine once I'm strapped into it.
- Taking long naps without Mom or Dad napping with me. I only sleep for 30 minute increments at daycare.
- Meeting new people without Mom or Dad being around.
Monthly Milestones
- I pull myself up to standing on everything! Mom and Dad bought me a push toy so I can practice walking soon!
- I sometimes crawl on my hands and knees, but I'm faster when I army crawl!
- I'm still teething and waiting for the teeth to cut through so I can start eating more table foods!
- I fall asleep in my crib all by myself at night and usually only wake up once!
- I'm going to start eating some of the lunch food at daycare!
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