Wednesday, April 16, 2014

39 Weeks

Anthony and I have reached 39 weeks which means that we are officially full term! Anthony is fully developed and grown, about the size of a watermelon, but he'll continue to add weight until he's born. Matt and I both hoping that he comes soon; we're so anxious to meet our son! Yesterday we had another doctor appointment, which was the same as the week before. I'm not dilated yet, but it could happen soon so we're spending Easter here and my parents and brother and sisters are coming to Rhode Island for dinner.

Last week, I was on a crafting spree and made a bunch of decorations for Anthony's room. I'll post a picture of the three frames we made for him. We also made some sports wall hangings, but I need to finish the football which my Dad needs to cut out for me.

I ordered stickers from Etsy last week that we'll use once Anthony is born to take monthly pictures during his first month. They shipped today, which is awesome, although I'm still waiting for his personalized onesie and hat to ship. That's supposed to be his coming home outfit and we'll definitely be using it for his newborn pictures that we'll have taken shortly after his arrival. However, as a backup, I ordered a onesie from Old Navy that we can use if the personalized one hasn't come in yet.

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