Wednesday, January 22, 2014

27 Weeks

Anthony and I are in our final week of our second trimester! We are both doing really well, although he's caused me to gain some weight in the last month. My doctor said it was normal, though, and that I haven't gained much throughout the pregnancy. Anthony is now the size of a rutabaga, which seems like a strange food to compare a baby too. Anyway, he's moving around like a crazy man, I feel him all the time and I started to feel him higher in my stomach as well as my lower abdomen.

We got the crib and changing table set up in our bedroom! My parents weren't able to come down this past weekend, so Matt and I went there instead. We were able to bring both the crib and changing table home with us and we set them up Sunday night. My parents will be visiting this Saturday to finish setting up the crib since my dad forgot two pieces of it. I can't wait to get the sheet set (hopefully for my shower) and finish up the crib with it!

Speaking of shower, my mom and I ordered the invitations last week and, of course, I messed up the dates. I put my due date instead of the shower date! We called as soon as we realized to change it, but they had already been sent to the printer (on a Sunday)!! So we had to order another batch and we'll be able to return the originals for a full refund. Here's a preview from the TinyPrints website (with the wrong date):

We may have some issues with our cats and the baby's furniture, though. They have been using it as a jungle gym at night as well as sneaking into the crib to lounge in it. They are certainly a pain!

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