Wednesday, January 29, 2014

28 Weeks

Anthony and I are in the first week of our third trimester! He is now the size of an eggplant and, boy, can I tell! I feel him moving constantly and he's started getting to the point where he'll randomly just be pushing some part of himself against me and I can feel it get really hard on the outside. He's gotten the hiccups a couple of times, as well, over the past week which is a rather weird sensation. I can feel the small movements, evenly and quickly spaced apart.

Hopefully my parents will be able to come this weekend so we can put the remaining two pieces of the crib together and maybe hit up Ikea for the drawers and area rug for Anthony. I could also help my mom send out the invitations for the shower! Speaking of which, I think we have finally completed our registries! I keep finding things to add, but after consulting a couple of guides, I think we have everything. Of course there are no clothes (other than basic white onesies and socks) because people just buy those anyway. I don't have a preference what anyone gets us and if Matt and I don't end up liking it, there's always the option of returning. However, I'm hoping that people will focus on what's actually on the registry since we really need those things.

Matt and I will be taking our monthly pictures this weekend and I'll update when we have them!


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

27 Weeks

Anthony and I are in our final week of our second trimester! We are both doing really well, although he's caused me to gain some weight in the last month. My doctor said it was normal, though, and that I haven't gained much throughout the pregnancy. Anthony is now the size of a rutabaga, which seems like a strange food to compare a baby too. Anyway, he's moving around like a crazy man, I feel him all the time and I started to feel him higher in my stomach as well as my lower abdomen.

We got the crib and changing table set up in our bedroom! My parents weren't able to come down this past weekend, so Matt and I went there instead. We were able to bring both the crib and changing table home with us and we set them up Sunday night. My parents will be visiting this Saturday to finish setting up the crib since my dad forgot two pieces of it. I can't wait to get the sheet set (hopefully for my shower) and finish up the crib with it!

Speaking of shower, my mom and I ordered the invitations last week and, of course, I messed up the dates. I put my due date instead of the shower date! We called as soon as we realized to change it, but they had already been sent to the printer (on a Sunday)!! So we had to order another batch and we'll be able to return the originals for a full refund. Here's a preview from the TinyPrints website (with the wrong date):

We may have some issues with our cats and the baby's furniture, though. They have been using it as a jungle gym at night as well as sneaking into the crib to lounge in it. They are certainly a pain!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

26 Weeks

Anthony and I are 26 weeks along, with only one more week left in our second trimester! I can't believe how fast the time goes by! We're doing well, we went to the doctor yesterday and I had my glucose test. If it's irregular, they'll let me know in a couple days otherwise I'm all set. The liquid that they have you drink to test glucose is definitely something I'd like to not drink again. It was like Sprite syrup: very sugary and sweet as well as thick. It was...gross. But, other than that we're doing well. We heard his heart beat and my belly was measured. I've gained some weight, but the doctor said it's normal around this time. Anthony is now the size of a head of lettuce and his eyes are starting to form and will soon be open. Laying in bed yesterday morning, I felt him move higher in my stomach for the first time! It was exciting and very unexpected!

This weekend my parents are coming to visit and will be bringing the crib and changing table. I'll be sure to post pictures once we have everything set up in the and moved around! This past weekend we bought two fabric bins for the changing table to keep diapers in from Target. They're to help keep our cats away from Anthony's things as well as keep us organized. We'll also be going to Ikea with my parents to get a set of drawers and area rug for Anthony's "nursery" aka the other half of our room.

Matt and I met with the Children's Medical Group after the appointment to talk to potential pediatricians. We were very happy with what we saw and heard and we're pretty sure that we're going to go with one of their doctors as Anthony's pediatrician. The doctors were very friendly as was the rest of the staff that we met. And, best of all, the process of selecting the doctor seems fairly simple. We may meet with one more, a recommendation from my boss, but I really liked the doctors we met today.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

25 Weeks

Today Anthony and I have reached our 25th week! He is now the size of a cauliflower, the whole head, not one sprig of it. He's moving around like crazy; sometimes using my bladder as a trampoline or wrestling with my intestines and other organs. He's a very active baby, so I'm thinking Matt and I are in for a handful once he becomes mobile. We have our appointment next week which includes my glucose testing. Matt took the day off so that afterwards we can meet with a potential pediatrician. I'm really excited about this one since they have great reviews and their office hours are perfect for us.

My mom and Matt's mother have started planning the baby shower! They've decided to co-host it, somewhere closer to Matt's mom since that's about halfway for the people that will be invited. (It's closer for the people in Providence and there aren't many that would be traveling form New York.) I'm really excited and I want to look at invitations with my mom soon. We also have a Groupon for customized M&Ms that she'll be able to order as well as favors!

And, lastly, tomorrow is my birthday! I'll be a whole 26 years old!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

24 Weeks

Anthony and I are 24 weeks along now; a full 6 months but we're still in our second trimester for another 3 weeks. Anthony is now the size of a cantaloupe and we're both doing really well, especially the little one who is moving all around and taking up a lot more room in my belly. The other day, I looked down at my belly and saw one side pushed out more than the other from Anthony. I poked my the spot a little and he moved, but I got a picture for Matt first.

Matt and I are going to take pictures of my belly this weekend, since we forgot to do it today. However, we did (finally) get the letters for Anthony's room finished and hung up today!

My parents are coming to visit in a few weeks for my birthday and they are bringing the crib and changing table then. I'm excited antsy to get his side of the room set up and ready for him! We're going to go to Ikea to get another set of drawers for Anthony as well as an orange rug for near his crib, too.

This past weekend, our friends Kevin and Sam welcomed their beautiful baby girl, Ryleigh, into the world. Her birthday is December 28 and she is absolutely perfect. We stopped by on Sunday to see the new parents and their daughter and got a couple pictures of us holding her:

We got Anthony's diaper bag as a Christmas gift from my Aunt Alicia and Uncle Frank! It's really nice and is currently holding two handmade blankets from Hannah's friends' grandmother. We also got some new clothes for him from my parents and my friend Jess, as well as another wonderful felt blanket from my Aunt Teri that Matt and I used all weekend at my parents' house.

I'll update this weekend with the pictures that we take on Saturday!
