Tuesday, September 30, 2014


September 1

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 7

September 8

September 9

September 10

September 11

September 12

September 13

September 14

September 15

September 16

September 17

September 18

September 19

September 20

September 21

September 22

September 23

September 24

September 25

September 26

September 27
In the new apartment

September 28
Sleeping in his own room

September 29 

September 30

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fruits, Bluum Box, and Army Crawling

We have tried all of the fruits, even prunes, and Anthony really loves them! Yesterday, Anthony's 5 month Bluum Box arrived and it had a sample pouch of Ella's stage 1 food. We tried it last night and Anthony absolutely loved it! It was pears, mangoes, and papayas and he devoured that like nobody's business!

Speaking of the Bluum Box, this is one of my favorite subscription services that I've ever had! The boxes are PACKED with new items and you get so much for the price you're paying! ($29 I think?) We've gotten two so far and they've both been awesome, although this latest one was better than the first. It came with three teething toys, the baby food, a snack for adults, and makeup/cleansing wipes. Everything they send is also available for purchase on their website and you can customize the box by adding three new milestones each month and/or adding on items to your subscription box! I think I might get more excited seeing these boxes than Anthony does!

Anthony is almost on the move! He has started pulling himself around with his arms to get where he wants to go. It's amazing watching him go after toys or even turn himself around while on his stomach. Matt and I are in for some trouble once he really gets moving, but luckily we'll definitely be in the new apartment when that happens! Which, speaking of, officially happens this weekend! My parents and siblings and Matt's mom are all coming to help us with the rest of the stuff in the apartment, mainly the big stuff that needs to get moved like our dining room set and shelves and mattresses.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Vegetables and Fruits

Anthony has tried them all! We just tried peaches last night, although it didn't go well because he was in so much pain from teething, but he did like the few bites he got down! So we tried carrots and sweet potatoes last week, both of which were favorites, and then bananas, apples, pears, and peaches, which were also favorites obviously. He does so well eating them, if you get him before he gets really hungry he'll eat the entire container and then have a bottle. If you get him too late, he gets too hungry to focus on eating bites and just wants a bottle. We try to get him before that stage, though, so he doesn't become a lazy eater. Now we just need his teeth to finally break through!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

More Vegetables

Anthony has tried two new vegetables: yesterday he had green beans and today it was squash! He did well with the beans, but he loved the squash! Tomorrow we'll be trying carrots and then we can move onto fruit! I bought some apples, bananas, peaches, pears, and prunes (which are more for constipation)!

Sunday, September 7, 2014


Anthony tried vegetables for the first time today! Our pediatrician recommended starting with vegetables, and the grossest ones first, so that he gets used to them before having sweet fruits. We tried peas yesterday and he loved them! He ate an entire container of them and then had a 4 oz bottle. What a little piggy!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


We were successful! Anthony just tried rice cereal and loved it! He ate about 2 tablespoons worth and really did well with eating it. He did well keeping it in his mouth and swallowing his spoonfuls. I'm so excited!

4 Month Checkup

Today was Anthony's 4 month checkup with Dr. Eden! Again, he is in perfect health and growing rapidly! He weighs in at 14 lbs and is 25 inches long! He got another round of vaccinations today, the same ones as last time. He was a champ and only cried for about 5 minutes afterwards and then he fell asleep. Dr. Eden also gave us the go ahead to start giving Anthony solid foods! We're starting with cereal this week and moving on to green vegetables (peas and green beans) next week! We're going to start tonight, so I'll probably post later with a picture of the results of his first feeding! For now, here's a picture from the doctor:

Monday, September 1, 2014

4 Months

  • Going to daycare!
  • Playing on my playmat and quilt!
  • Getting kisses from Mommy and Daddy!
  • Gumming anything I can get in my mouth!
  • Playing with my friends at daycare!
  • My sore gums from teething.
  • Riding in the car for too long.
  • Getting woken up from naps.
  • Being too warm.
Monthly Milestones
  • I started going to daycare!
  • My bottom teeth are getting ready to come out!
  • I can roll over from my back to my belly!
  • I love cooing and talking to my family and friends!
  • I'm really good at grabbing and holding onto toys!
  • I love to laugh when Mommy and Daddy act silly or tickle me!