Thursday, July 31, 2014


July 1

July 2

July 3

July 4
Independence Day

July 5

July 6

July 7

July 8

July 9

July 10

July 11

July 12

July 13
Anthony's baptism

July 14

July 15

July 16

July 17

July 18

July 19

July 20

July 21

July 22

July 23
National Batman Day

July 24

July 25

July 26

July 27

July 28

July 29

July 30

July 31

Monday, July 28, 2014

Back to Work

I just got word that I'll be returning to work after our vacation next week and I'm a wreck. I knew it was going to have to happen (although I hoped it wouldn't) and now I'm so scared. I know that the daycare will take good care of Anthony, but I'm going to miss spending my entire day with him after being with him for three months. I'm still looking for positions that will let me work from home so that he can stay with me, but I need to get back to work to bring in another income. This is probably going to be the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Sleeping and Rolling

We are on our way to sleeping through the night! Anthony went to bed around 8:30 last night and didn't wake up to eat until 3:30! Seven straight hours of sleep! Hopefully soon it will be the entire night!

Anthony rolled over today! I put him on his stomach for some tummy time on his playmat and he rolled right over onto his back! I got so excited that I made him cry (oops) and went to get my phone to get a video of it. I put him back on his stomach but I wasn't ready when he started to roll over again, so I held him back. Then of course when I was ready, he wouldn't do it. Then he started getting tired so he took a two and a half hour nap. We'll try again later and I will try to get a video!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Size Newborn

After several unsuccessful attempts, Matt and I have realized that Anthony has outgrown his newborn sized clothes! We went through his drawers the other day and either packed or gave away anything he no longer fits in. We then went through everything he had gotten before he was born and took out anything he can wear now or in the next few months. I'm going to miss some of those outfits...

Monday, July 21, 2014


We're now seeing Anthony grasping objects that are put into his hands. He loves to hold on to his rattle which almost immediately goes into his mouth once he's holding it. He is also grabbing things that he's reaching for. On his bouncy seat, he holds onto the wire that holds the toys on it as well as one of the toys that hangs down. He also loves grabbing his feet, although he gets frustrated when he moves his leg and loses the foot he was holding.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Newborn No More

Anthony is no longer a newborn! Well according to his carseat, anyway. Last night Matt and I removed the newborn inserts from his carseat and moved the shoulder straps up a notch! He was getting grumpy every time he went in the car and I realized it may have been because he was feeling cramped and uncomfortable. We're going to test out that theory later today when we run errands.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Anthony's baptism was today at St. Pius V Church here in Providence. He, and 4 other babies, received the first sacrament of the Catholic Church. It was a nice, short ceremony that welcomed Anthony into the church as one of God's children. I'm not as religious a person as Matt, but I want Anthony to be raised with religion, whether he chooses to practice it later in life or not.

After the baptism, we all went to Ladder 133 for a nice lunch, where Anthony proceeded to poop all over Matt. I was just happy he wasn't wearing his white baptismal outfit!

Here are some pictures:

Friday, July 11, 2014


Anthony loves to listen to books! We have been reading two night time books to him since he was a week or so old, and I would read to him during the day, but now he really enjoys it. He looks at the pictures the entire time someone is reading (usually only during the day, he's typically falling asleep when we read at night). If they're simple pictures to understand (think Brown Bear, Brown Bear) he tends to smile at the pictures, too! I should have known he'd love reading since we read to him in the womb and Matt and I both enjoy it!

Aunt Olivia reading to Anthony

"Go Away Big Green Monster"

"Hooray for Fish"

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Anthony loves looking at himself in the mirror! He smiles and coos at the "other baby" but my favorite is when he plays shy. I'll hold him and look in the mirror together and he smiles and then his his face against me. So cute!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Fourth of July 2014

We celebrated Anthony's first 4th of July today! We went to my grandparents in Dalton and spent the day with family. Of course, it rained and was cold so we couldn't bring Anthony in the pool. (We tried and that did not go over well!) But he still looked adorable and had a great time!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

2 Months

  • Looking at my own feet!
  • Being in water: the bath, the pool, even the ocean!
  • Looking at the mobile on my swing and the star on my play mat.
  • Listening to music; both from my toys and on Mommy and Daddy's phones!
  • Taking long naps.
  • Humidity.
  • Riding in the car sometimes.
  • Napping in my crib.
  • Having the hiccups.
Monthly Milestones
  • I give big smiles when I'm happy; especially when I see Mommy and Daddy!
  • I purposefully put my hands into my mouth.
  • I'm eating more!
  • I'm sleeping longer and better at night.
  • I reach for things when I'm on my play mat and kick my legs a lot.
  • I rub my eyes when I get tired.

We went to Anthony's two month doctor appointment this morning and he is in great health! He now weighs 10lbs 15oz and measures 23 1/4 inches long! He also got his first round of vaccinations, including three shots, which he did very well with! We'll go back to the doctor in September for his 4 month appointment.

After his doctor appointment, we went to four daycares in East Greenwich for tours. We narrowed it down to three, but one of those doesn't have an available spots for an infant for August, so we're down to two. Matt and I like both, but we each have a favorite so now it's just deciding on one.

Our last errand today was a meeting with Brother Boniface at St. Pius about Anthony's baptism. We're all set for July 13 and just have to get Anthony's godfather, Nick's, paperwork to the church. And here is his adorable baptism invitation: